Friday, May 15, 2020

"Success is counted sweetest
By those who ne'er succeed" -Emily Dickinson

I'm a success if no one puts me down nor envy rears its ugly head.

Plot twist: They are asking if we rather do our thesis in the fall (presumably online) and then have the Spring semester to resume class as normal. Usually its the opposite. This new proposed format doesn't make much sense to me. Everyday a new normal I have to grapple with. 

I am picking black tar from nails and I'm thinking how the sun makes my skin smell. I pace on the rooftop, jumbling my words and feeling myself grow sterner and sterner. I feel like a fool but I'm having fun.

I think about what Katie said about how perhaps this relationship will be the best one I have yet because I've had time to mature and learn from the past. If I may, if I'm allowed I--

I feel like taking a bit of shrooms but it's detox week and I don't know if that's allowed. 

Jo and I traded mixes and responded to one another via our blogs, it feels like we are adolescents and it's 2003 again. 

People say navel-gazing like it's a bad thing. I would suggest Kathleen Stewart's, Ordinary Affects, does a fair amount of this but it's for a reason. The reason being that form follows function, transient thinking calls for hybridity thus transient vignettes. It’s being in tune without getting involved. A light contact zone that rests on a thin layer of shared collective experiences.

She writes:  
"A fantasy that life can be somehow seamless and that we’re in the know, in the loop, not duped. That nothing will happen to us, and nothing we do will have real consequences – nothing that can’t be fixed, anyway.

The experience of being “in the mainstream” is like a flotation device."

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